This website is part of our book THE RITUAL. The book is available for purchase here.

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for true living!

More than 1000 pages of rituals to perform for an authentic life!

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To complete the ritual, follow the steps below. Please note that this is just one ritual out of more than a hundred rituals in our book The Ritual.


  • * Doll representing the person in question;
  • * Hair from the person to be cleansed;
  • * Blood from the person to be cleansed;
  • * Doll or image of the evil to be banished;
  • * Pins;
  • * Red candle;
  • * Bowl;
  • * Cotton cloths;
  • * Matches;
  • * Holy water.

Put the blood of the person in a vial and place the vial with the hair in the bowl of holy water for at least a week. During this time, the person in question does not need to be present. When you perform the ritual, the person should be present for the best effect.


Light the candle and ensure that the doll, or preferably an image of the evil, is placed on the north side of the table. Drop some blood on the cloth and place the cloth in the bowl (without holy water). Attach the hair to the doll. Now, ignite the cloth with a match (do not use a lighter). While the cloth is burning, stick the pins into the doll. Continue doing this as long as the cloth is burning. When the cloth no longer burns, gently drip holy water over the cloth and immediately blow out the candle. For additions to this ritual, visit the website.


Ensure a preferably secluded location. A location as close to nature as possible, such as a forest, is preferable. Ensure as natural light as possible. Any unnatural light source disrupts the ritual.

Prevent the person from running away during the ritual. It is possible that during the ritual, the person in question may want to stop it. Absolutely do not allow this. It is not in the best interest of the person in question. Therefore, agree with this person to, for example, lay him/her on a table and tie him/her to it. This is, of course, only for the safety of this person and to prevent him/her from walking away during the ritual.

Ensure that you perform the ritual after sunset. If this is really not possible, make sure that windows are covered so that sunlight does not break the power of the doll and thereby disrupt the ritual.

If you need to use a lamp, use only one lamp and ensure that it is never directed at the doll or the person.

Ensure that chairs and tables in the room are made of wood. Plastic is impure and has a negative effect. Iron conducts and can incorrectly "send" a used spell.

You are allowed to use your own spell during the ritual. Speak from the heart and write a spell that reflects what you wish to achieve.

If you are using an image to represent the evil to be banished, consider using an image of, for example, Baphomet. This reflects a lot of evil in one image. Such an image is available for purchase at various places.

Image of Baphomet

A possible spell to cleanse an evil soul is:
Ecce praecipio relinquere incommodum maliciam ae corporis.

The person in question should feel when the cleansing has worked. He/she will definitely indicate this themselves. If he/she indicates that it has not worked and you have performed the ritual at least 5 times, there is no hope for this person, and it is pointless to continue.


Do you want to lead an authentic and pure life? Wait no longer and get inspired with the most beautiful book you will ever own.